
Good pubs, Good Beer, Good People

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Burn Awareness Week

This post is about burns, not beer. Piggy-backing off my last entry, and being fortunate enough to have Erin Varga (Hero Jimmy D'Heron's daughter) send me the information, I thought I'd share it.

Makes sense.

Read and learn.

Burn Awareness Week
February 3 - 9, 2008
Preventing Gasoline Burns

"Burns and fires are the leading cause of accidental death in the home for children 14 and under and the third leading cause of accidental death for adults."

"Burns are one of the most expensive catastrophic injuries to treat. For example, a burn of 30% of total body area can cost as much as $200,000 in initial hospitalization costs and for physicians fees. For extensive burns, there are additional significant costs which will include costs for repeat admission for reconstruction and for rehabilitation."

Let's all learn more so we can help prevent burn injuries, & please feel free to share with your address book! Remember, burns can happen to anyone at any time.

In good health,

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